Mallory had her very first Easter this year. As you can see from the pictures, she was VERY excited about it. And talk about having skills, she found her first egg while sleeping.
I can think of three things that could possibly be going through Mallory's mind in this picture: 1. Just one more picture mommy......I dare you 2. I've got a little something for daddy when he gets home from work or...... 3. Bon appetit!!
I have answered the viewing public and have decided to start creating the posts again. Jennifer's posts were nice and everything but everyone knows that my posts are much more enjoyable. Mallory has grown and developed so much in the past several weeks. She is totally out of the newborn stage and is in....some other stage now. She loves seeing daddy in the evenings when I come home from work. She asked me if I could be the one to stay home with her everyday instead of mommy. Needless to say that conversation stayed between Mallory and me because mommy might get her feelings hurt if she knew Mallory said that. Speaking of mommy; words can't describe how good of a job she is doing. She works with Mallory everyday teaching her new things. I just hope she can un-do the bad habits I teach her when I get home. Here are a few recent pictures of Mallory. Mallory taking a nap in her big girl outfit. Waking up from a nap.
It snowed for several hours on March 7th. It was lots of fun!! Warren made a snowman with our neighbors and we took Mallory out to meet him after her nap. She wasn't too crazy about the cold weather, but how wonderful to get to see snow her very first winter! You can click on the title of this post to see a video by TechTV of it snowing on Tech's campus (for all those TECH fans out there).
She is really getting good at holding her head up!
Mommy & Mallory Marie
Daddy is great at story time!
Our stroller rides around the neighborhood can put her to sleep...sometimes before we leave the driveway!
Mallory loves her Daddy!
Note: I am having some trouble uploading videos to the blog (any advice appreciated!). However, if you are on facebook, you can view new videos from Jennifer's page.
We had Mallory's 2 month check-up today. She now weighs 10 pounds 10 ounces (50th percentile) and is 23 1/2 inches long (75-90th percentile). Everything else was great too! We got our first round of immunizations and will return to the doctor at 4 months.
Ouch! Shots are no fun! Thanks Oma (Mrs. Kakie) for coming with us to the doctor.
Bathtime fun!
This outfit is special because I wore it when I was a little girl and now my little girl is wearing it too!
This past Friday was Mallory's great-grandpa's 18th birthday and she loved visiting with her Mama and Papa Byrd. (Papa Byrd was born on Feb. 29th!)